Molecular Genetic Assay Method – Reverse hybridization
AID molecular genetic diagnostic kits are based on reverse hybridization of DNA.
Reverse hybridization enables:
- Detection of SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphism)
- Differentiation between homozygous and heterozygous genotype
- Characterization of alleles in polymorphic regions like HLA gen complex
- Detection of viral and bacterial DNA
DNA amplification by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) before DNA characterization enables high sensitivity. Minimal amounts of DNA are sufficient for analysis.
Advantages of AID molecular genetic diagnostic kits at a glance:
- Highly reliable, reproducible and simple method
- Little time needed: reverse hybridization lasts 2.5 hours
- Rational workflow: same procedure and reagents for all kits enables parallel implementing of several parameters
- Little lab cost by little equipment needed: Thermocycler and shaking water bath
- No dangerous ethidiumbromid gel electrophoresis necessary
- Included positive- and negative controls document a valid result
- Quick and easy evaluation of the strips by AID Immunblot/Genoblot-Scanning system
- Suited for small, moderate and high sample throughput
Strips can be evaluated by AID Immunblot/Genoblot-Scanning System quick and easily.